Our Process

There are numerous types of precious metal-bearing scrap being generated in a variety of industries that we serve. If your material contains precious metals, we will find the most economical, efficient and environmentally responsible means to provide you with the maximum value for your metals.

Site Visits & Customer Application

Our regional sales managers will visit your facility, audit the processes and equipment using precious metals and recommend best practices for collecting waste. Glines & Rhodes will analyze samples and determine the most cost-effective method of production.

All new customers will have to complete our new account application. This is our way to get a better understanding of your business and streamline operations.

Shipping & Logistics

Once your material is packaged and secured our Account Executives are available to facilitate your inbound shipment. A detailed packing list should be included describing the material types, weights and any special instructions. After the necessary information is collected you will receive the appropriate shipping documents and the material will be assigned a lot number.

Processing, Sampling & Assaying

Material received at our facility will be photographed, weighed by lot, verified with the customer and an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent. Regardless of the method used for production (for example melt or thermal reduction) the goal is to create a homogeneous sample for analysis.

The sample will be brought to the assaying laboratory where we use fire assay for determining gold and silver content and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) for more complex elements like platinum group metals.


When assays are finalized you will receive a preliminary settlement statement detailing processing weights, assays and accountability. Settlement can be made in one of the following options: check, e-check, wire transfer, transfer to metal account, bullion or product.

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Precious Metals Returns

We made the capital investment in equipment and assay processes to improve your investment & capital